Phase 1 of the Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative is noncompetitive. Each eligible ATS-accredited theological school is invited to submit a letter requesting a grant of up to $50,000 for institutional assessment and strategic planning activities for the purposes stated above. The Endowment intends to award a grant to each school that submits a letter of request, as well as the required accompanying materials, under the Phase 1 application guidelines described below. Theological schools may submit their letters and application materials by one of the following deadlines: February 15, March 1 and March 15, 2021. The Endowment anticipates announcing grant awards approximately three weeks after each deadline.
Please read the Request For Proposals for Phase 1 details and submission guidelines.
Other documents needed for submissions are the Phase 1 Budget Guidelines, the Exempt Status and Charity/Foundation Status Information Form and the Contact Information Form. Additional resource documents include the Appendix: Challenges and Opportunities and FAQ.
To submit an application for Phase 1 of the Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative, please complete the form below.