We make grants to a wide range of organizations that improve the overall quality of life in Indianapolis and expand and enhance the city’s economic, cultural and recreational opportunities. We support programs that promote civic engagement, contribute to safe, livable and caring neighborhoods and communities, and encourage the creation, improvement and expansion of amenities that attract and retain individuals, families and businesses. We have a special interest in helping organizations that serve residents affected by poverty and other challenges and that help advance the prosperity of residents from communities of color who are disproportionately affected by such challenges.
Areas of Grantmaking
Strong neighborhoods help ensure that Indianapolis is a safe, livable community for all of its residents. Some grantees in this area are Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership (INHP), Local Initiatives Support Corporation Indianapolis (LISC), and community centers such as Edna Martin Christian Center and Shepherd Community Center.
Intellectual capital and community economic development are essential to Indianapolis’ efforts to be a place where people want to live, work and contribute to their community. Some grantees that promote intellectual capital and economic development, in addition to those funded through our education division, are Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) Foundation,16 Tech, Indianapolis Urban League and Indy Chamber Foundation.
Effective and sustainable human services organizations are critical to helping Indianapolis be a caring community, where all residents are supported in overcoming challenges caused by food insecurity, homelessness, addiction, unemployment and underemployment, domestic violence and various disabilities. Some grantees in this area are United Way of Central Indiana, Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, Second Helpings, Easterseals Crossroads, Indianapolis Urban League, Dove Recovery House for Women, Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention (CHIP), Wheeler Mission Ministries, Immigrant Welcome Center, and community centers such as John Boner Neighborhood Centers and La Plaza.
Arts and culture organizations strengthen Indianapolis by fostering a creative and energized community and a quality of life that is appealing to all individuals and families. Some of the many organizations we support in this area are the Indianapolis Zoo, Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, International Center, Madam Walker Legacy Center, Indy Arts Council, Asante Art Institute of Indianapolis, Steward Speakers, Urban Musical Theatre, Iibada Dance Company, the GANGGANG initiative through CICF, Indiana White River Park Development Commission and Indianapolis Cultural Trail.
Related Grants
Enhancing Opportunity in Indianapolis is a $93.6 million grant initiative with the aim of helping a significant number of people in Marion County living in or near poverty make progress toward lasting economic self-sufficiency. Lilly Endowment made 28 grants to fund highly collaborative projects in Indianapolis that represent new ideas and collaborations, as well as those that expand the impact of existing efforts. LEARN MORE
The Indianapolis African American Quality of Life Initiative was created in August 2020 with an Endowment grant of $100 million to National Urban League. The initiative is a collaborative effort between National Urban League, Indianapolis Urban League and African American Coalition of Indianapolis designed to advance the prosperity of all of Indianapolis’ African American community. LEARN MORE
Connected Communities, led by Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) in close collaboration with the city of Indianapolis, is an initiative launched with a 2022 grant of $25 million to improve and expand pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, including safe routes and more physical and recreational activities. Learn More
City of Indianapolis, Department of Parks and Recreation oversees an expansive parks and recreation system that includes 214 parks and numerous greenspaces, playgrounds, sports fields, trails and other amenities. The Endowment’s 2022 support of Indy Parks and some of its friends groups totaled $80 million for improvements across 42 parks. Learn More
Immigrant Services grants totaling $11 million were made through a 2023 pilot initiative supporting 18 immigrant service providers and Immigrant Welcome Center as an intermediary organization. The aims of this pilot initiative are to help immigrants from lower-income households access quality programs as they acclimate to life in central Indiana and make progress toward lasting self-sufficiency and build the capacity of organizations supporting immigrant communities. LEARN MORE
Community Violence Intervention grants totaling $7.6 million were made to 18 organizations through a pilot initiative in 2022 and 2024. Funds were used to provide holistic services, including mental health services and assistance obtaining employment to individuals who were recently incarcerated; monitor gang activity; and mentor individuals who are at the highest risk of being victims or perpetrators of violence. LEARN MORE
Indiana White River State Park Development Commission manages White River State Park, spanning 250 acres in downtown Indianapolis. The only urban state park in the country, it is enjoyed by nearly 4 million visitors annually. A 2024 Endowment grant of $30 million supports the design and construction of amenities for a 12-acre expansion of the park along the banks of the White River. LEARN MORE