e endeavor to help individuals reach their full potential, families to thrive and communities to flourish through grants to a range of charitable organizations. To these ends, our grantmaking is framed by two potentially contrasting convictions: that tradition is an important resource and that fundamental rethinking often is necessary to respond effectively to new challenges and circumstances. These convictions arise from the encouragement J.K. Lilly, Sr. gave to his sons to be conservatively progressive. That philosophy was evident in their leadership of their company and the establishment and administration of the Endowment.

From United Way agencies and community foundations to religious denominations and seminaries and from museums to youth development organizations, and colleges and universities, we regularly support traditional longstanding charitable organizations. We recognize the significant impact they have had and continue to have on the quality of life of those they serve. Yet, virtually all of these organizations are operating in quickly changing contexts. At times they face forces and trends that could undermine their impact and relevance and for some possibly even their existence. They need support to determine what should be maintained, where modifications and enhancements are recommended, where new approaches are necessary, and how best to develop and implement effective strategies.

In furthering our conservatively progressive philosophy, we also strive to keep aware of new and emerging charitable organizations that show promise for addressing issues and challenges in our areas of interest more effectively than existing organizations. And from time to time, we support the creation and launching of new charitable organizations when such an approach is compelling and the best way to accomplish an important aim.