Through our grantmaking, we not only provide financial support for organizations and projects, we also seek to learn from our grantees’ experiences. We request regular updates about the progress they are making with their awarded funds. Our typical grant agreement includes details about the beginning and end dates of the grant period, a schedule of when financial and program reports are due, and guidelines for sharing news about the grant and other matters. Please refer to your grant agreement and transmittal letter for complete details that pertain to your specific grant.

Submitting Reports

Program and financial reports must delivered to the our offices by mail or in person.
Lilly Endowment Inc.
2801 N. Meridian St.
P.O. Box 88068
Indianapolis, IN 46208

Publicity/News Releases

If you would like to issue a news release or other mass news media communication about your grant, the text of the proposed release must be submitted to us for review prior to the release date. No release shall be made without our approval. Submit the draft of your proposed news release or other mass media communication about your grant to the Endowment’s communications director, Judith Cebula at