Through the Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative, Lilly Endowment is funding highly promising and creative endeavors that help children come to know and love God and grow in faith.
Eligible charitable organizations were invited to submit proposals to establish new and/or enhance existing programs that support multiple congregations as they design intergenerational corporate worship services and prayer practices that more intentionally and fully engage children and nurture their faith.
Programs will help congregations address one or more of the following objectives:
- Strengthening worship and prayer practices that attend to and respect how children experience God and express their faith.
- Enhancing worship and prayer practices that are more fully inclusive of all children, including children with disabilities.
- Drawing more fully on the arts (e.g., music, visual arts, drama, etc.) to enhance the experience of worship and prayer for children.
- Creating opportunities for Bible storytelling that help children hear and tell stories of faith through worship and prayer practices.
- Enhancing worship and prayer practices that more intentionally connect worship with the daily lives of children and their families.
This initiative is currently closed to new proposals.
Initiative Resources