High-quality K-12 education is an essential prerequisite for students’ success in post-secondary education and employment and their lifelong wellbeing. Through funding for various initiatives and programs, we support efforts to enhance educational outcomes for students in Indiana’s elementary, middle and high schools. We also seek to improve preparation for a range of high-quality post-secondary educational opportunities. Among the efforts we fund are programs to improve academic, college, career, and social and emotional counseling for students; to attract and develop educators from diverse backgrounds; to strengthen classroom teaching and school leadership development; to engage parents as advocates for their children and schools; to provide support for teachers seeking personal and professional development; to offer assistance to students that require homework help; to improve K-12 students’ awareness of and preparation for meaningful and sustaining career possibilities; and to improve public understanding of education issues and policies affecting Indiana students. Organizations and programs the Endowment supports through its education grantmaking work in various ways to meet the diverse needs of Indiana’s K-12 students.
Related Grants
Advancing Science of Reading in Indiana is designed to help interested Indiana colleges and universities expand and enhance the use of evidence-based instructional methods aligned with the Science of Reading in their teacher preparation programs. Learn More
Center for Leadership Development (CLD) was established in 1977 with substantial Endowment support and has since served more than 25,000 central Indiana youth and their parents. Focused on serving principally African American students in Indianapolis, CLD provides an array of programs for students from fourth grade to college to help them develop a solid pathway to personal development, academic achievement, career preparation and community leadership. LEARN MORE
Comprehensive Counseling Initiative for Indiana K-12 Students aims to significantly increase the number of Indiana K-12 students who are emotionally healthy, able to realize academic success, graduate from high school, obtain valuable postsecondary credentials necessary for meaningful employment and who are prepared to compete and prosper in the global society in which they will live and work. This initiative is engaging 96 public school corporations and charter schools across Indiana. LEARN MORE
Marion County K-12 Private Schools Initiative aims to help private schools initiate, enhance or expand compelling programs and projects that show promise to improve their students’ academic achievement and the prospects for post-secondary success. Learn More
Marion County K-12 Public Schools Initiative aims to help public schools initiate, enhance or expand compelling programs and projects that show promise to improve their students’ academic achievement and the prospects for post-secondary success. Learn More
Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program promotes life-long learning for educators by enabling them to pursue their dreams and passions, explore new areas of interest, expand existing talents and develop new ones. The fellowships fund opportunities for intentional exploration and reflection designed to result in renewed energy, enthusiasm and creativity in teachers. Our hope is that these experiences will reinforce their commitment to teaching and thereby benefit their students and schools, as well. This program is open to teachers in public, private and parochial schools, to principals, and assistant principals and to guidance counselors and library/media specialists. LEARN MORE
The Mind Trust works to improve K-12 education in Indianapolis and seeks to make Indianapolis the nation’s foremost destination for transformative leaders, organizations and ideas in education. Endowment grants support The Mind Trust’s coordination of new teacher pipeline programs in Indianapolis, including Teach for America and TNTP. Through these programs, The Mind Trust works to attract and develop talented educators from a broad range of backgrounds who are effective in serving the diverse students in Indianapolis schools. Additionally, the Endowment grants support The Mind Trust’s coordination of several parent engagement nonprofits, including Rise Indy, EmpowerED Families and Stand for Children, that are working to strengthen parent engagement and advocacy for high-quality schools.LEARN MORE
AskRose Homework Help is a tutoring program in mathematics, science and technology serving middle and high school students in all 92 Indiana counties. A program of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, AskRose engages Rose-Hulman students majoring in math, science and engineering to serve as tutors who respond by phone, email and online chat. Lilly Endowment has supported the program since 1999. LEARN MORE